Did you ever thought of bringing yourself to some adventurous yet healthy lifestyle after having a hectic day? If so, I would like to suggest you guys to take some time to do hiking as I believe your body need some booster after a while. I enjoyed myself doing this though I'm neither an expert nor a regular participant of it.
Moving to another relax activity is engaging with aboriginal community. I still remember the first village I went to was in 2014 at Sungai Siput Perak. The mission was to outreach towards this community since they are lack of basic necessities such as food and clothing. But the most important thing is to guide the small minority of Muslim withing that village in terms if Fardhu Ain (obligatory knowledge) and other basic knowledge such as teaching ABC to children who didn't have the privilege to go to school. I came to ponder myself on how they can be so happy with their lives even though they are living far away from the city without a proper shelter, education, and even the access to the internet. The key is to appreciate what they have and their love towards inherited lands from one generation to another.
What is so special about this community? There are about 2 major groups of aboriginal which are Negrito and Senoi; and each of them representing different culture, language and socio-economics. More interesting, they love entertainment and listening to music. No wonder every single house I visited will have subscription to Astro and Njoy because entertainment is the way to keep them happy. My experience in visiting them is precious. They are a bit shy, but if we approach them with a proper way they will give positive responds to us.
Although several years have passed, I still hope to have the opportunity and gain new experiences. Learning is not only something formally done in class, but nature and community also give us some lessons. Do bring yourself out of your comfort zone and you will realise there are actually more to be discovered.
Prepared by,
Nur Saadah Sumeh
Admin, Registry Department
Vision College