Sunday, 22 February 2015

My Life at Vision

Hi everybody,

My name is Nurul Izzah binti Izam, you can address me as Izzah. This year, I am about 20-something-years old (ehem!). I come from Banting, Selangor, I am the youngest and the newest lecturer among all the DMI lecturers.

When I entered Vision College on the 1st July 2014, I believed my personal perspective about learning and education has changed. I left my job as a Research Assistant at Jabatan Pengimejan Diagnostik dan Radioterapi (UKM) and accepted the challenge of being an educator.

Being a lecturer, I expect myself to be good at sharing knowledge, experiences, and also be an inspiration to the students. This semester, I am teaching Physics, IT in Radiography, Radiographic Procedures III and Introduction to Health Service Management. Last semester, I taught Sectional Anatomy subject to DMI Semester 4 students. One of the things that gives me satisfaction about my job is when my students are able to remember the different organ names correctly and try to relate the medical terms in their daily life.

Another name for six pack is the Rectus Abdominis Muscle.” (feels like as if you are pronouncing one of the magical spells in the Harry Potter movie)

Here, in Vision College, I am not only a lecturer but I am also one of the Happiness Team member. Together with my team, we organised several events. Some of the events that we have organised were, the Orientation Week, Merdeka Day Performance and several indoor/outdoor activities.

Everyone is in serious mode. Paying attention to the performance expert (Mr.Foo) during the rehearsal of
Merdeka Day Perfomance, August 2014.

Okay guys,I have some idea. How about.........”
(Look how serious they are)

I like their outfit soooooo much.

With my dear colleagues.
Thank you for making the Merdeka Day Performance a great success.

During a visit to Malaysian Nuclear Agency, September 2014.
Can you spot Ms.Elly and Ms.Murni? (You can hardly tell, right? Hehe..)

Now try to find me! :-)

Careful young man. Those are the REAL radioactive materials.”

Oh,how to use this hailer by the way? The event is about to start soon..”
(mode: nervous + almost panic)

“Can't help myself from being one of the young and bold students.”
This picture was taken during the Breast Cancer Awareness Run 2014.

As months passed by, there is one fact that I keep in my mind, that is my students come from a variety of culture, family and education background. How grateful I am, when my colleagues, especially the DMI family, help me a lot in my journey as a junior lecturer.

Xiexie nimen, thank you!

Warm regards,

Nurul Izzah binti Izam
DMI Lecturer

Back to Vision!!

18 months ago, I have decided to resign from Vision due to some personal matters. But, I have never expected that I would join Vision again on July, 2014.

I know that many people are wondering why did I make such decision. My second job after Vision is International Islamic School (IIS). It is a bit complicated to describe those feelings into words, but hope that you will understand after you have finished reading this entry.

First and foremost, teaching is my passion. Of course, I still can teach in IIS but I prefer to teach Medical Imaging courses. This is the main reason I joined Vision College once again. I am really in love with medical imaging that I have spent 4 years studying. One of the greatest benefits in this profession is the variety and scope for progression. Apart from performing plain examinations like chest X-rays, radiographers have the opportunity to become expert in areas like Computed Tomomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Ultrasound, Angiography, Fluoroscopy, Trauma Radiography, Mobile Radiography, Operating Theatre Radiography, and PET & SPECT imaging (nuclear imaging).

The second reason is probably because of the values practised in Vision itself. I love the working environment and how there is a sense of belonging in the company. Vision was my first job and I have two of my ex-classmates who are also teaching here. We were called and came for the interview together while we were still in our final year in International Islamic University Malaysia at that time. So, all of these memories actually have influenced me to continue to be part of Vision College.

DMI first outdoor activity, April 2013
DMI Family
Farewell Dinner with FIS student, May 2013
In a nutshell, I just believe that wherever and whatever your job is, you just need to be sincere and always be positive. Put your trust in God and success will be yours....

Thank you for reading till the end...

DMI Lecturer